An Amazing Chia Seeds Pudding Recipe – Good for Health
Need a new refreshing snack for your evenings? We have just the right thing for you to swap your unhealthy evening snack. Welcome our cuisine with a round of applause. This healthy and refreshing snack will leave you in awe. We call it Chia seeds pudding. Wait, before you scroll down for the chia pudding recipe, let us discuss what is chia seed. From where do they come? And Why you should consume Chia Seed and its health benefits.
What are Chia seeds?
Chia seeds come from a plant name “Salvia Hispanica”, which grows in deserts. This plant grows in the Southwestern part of America, where it was a part of the diet of Native Americans. However, they say that chia seeds originated from the central part of America.
Chia seeds have been in this world for a long time but, they went viral on social media only a few years ago. Scientists have discussed its health benefits on the human body. After some research on the willing participants, they concluded that the chia seeds are rich in fibre, protein, micronutrients. They are also rich in iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc, etc. They are known for having omega-3 fatty acids in them. Omega 3 fatty acid reduces the chances of having cardiovascular disease. It means eating chia seeds is healthy for your heart. Research has also shown that it prevents unnecessary blood clots by preventing platelets from clumping together.
It’s time for you to find out about your most awaited recipe of Chia Seeds Pudding.
Ingredients you will need.
1. Chia seeds (1/2 cup only)

2. Milk around one and a half cups.
(The milk used here is coconut milk with full-cream milk, non-dairy milk)
3. Maple Syrup (around 1 to 2 tablespoons)

4. Vanilla extract (1 teaspoon)

Preparation of Chia Seeds Pudding
1. Mix all of the items in a bowl. (Milk (dairy-free), Maple syrup, vanilla extract and Chia seeds)
2. Cover this mixture and put it away in the fridge overnight. A thick and creamy texture pudding will be ready the next day for you. If the texture is not thick, then add more chia seed and refrigerate for a few hours.
3. Voila! Your Chia pudding is ready to eat. You can add freshly chopped fruits or have it as it is.
There is no doubt that Chia seeds are full of nutritional components that is beneficial for your physical health. They are easily available in your provisions stores at an affordable price. Swapping your unhealthy tea time snacks or evening snacks for a healthier substitute is a better substitute to add into their dietary habits for those who don’t have a wider budget.
1. Antioxidants
These tiny chia seeds are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can protect your body from cell damage. Cell damage leads to many life-threatening diseases like cancer. Antioxidants also slow down the process of ageing, which means you look younger and healthier.
2. Fiber
Chia seeds are fibrous which means they are good for your intestinal health. Yes, we are Tired of listening to every dietician and pediatrician saying the same thing again and again, you should eat more fiber. See, this is the reason why one should eat more fibrous food for Healthy digestion and healthy body. They have fewer calories and almost every carb present in them is fiber and because of their swelling nature chia seeds expand in your stomach and provides you with the feeling of being full that in turn prevents overeating.
3. Chia Seeds : Good Source Of Protein
Chia seeds are a great source of protein. To maintain a fit and healthy looking body one should consume protein-rich food. However, it doesn’t mean that you switch to protein supplements instead of healthy and fresh food. Protein supplements aren’t good for your body. Chia seeds are good for those on a diet regime.
4. Weight Loss

Yes, Chia seeds can help you lose weight as they are full of protein and fibre. That means you will eat less and can avoid over-eating in your free time. It lifts your mood because you are maintaining a healthy food amount which isn’t making you sleepy or antsy. Protein and fibre help you lose weight well because they are not fat and they won’t store themselves anywhere in your body.
5. Prevents Strokes and Hear attacks.

As chia seeds are fat-free, they tend to be lighter and easy to digest that uses your body’s stored fat that helps you lose weight, it doesn’t increase your cholesterol level. High cholesterol levels may lead to a blockage in the blood pathway that increases the chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Keeping chia seeds at home and making any cuisine as per your liking is a hundred times better than ordering home delivery of pizza or other fast food.
6. Healthy for Bone health
Chia seeds are rich in calcium, protein, magnesium and phosphorus which are good for your bone health as they provide your bones with healthy components that keep makes them stronger and increase bone density which prevents minor fractures or wounds.
7. Diabetes
The patient with diabetes must be in queue already to hear whether they can eat chia seeds or not. I say yes, you can eat chia seeds and, it would be a great idea to add chia seeds into your list of “Foods I can eat List”.
Because chia seeds can help lower your high blood sugar level and aid you to maintain it as well.
8. Omega 3 fatty acids
The omega-3 fatty acid cannot be made naturally in the human body.
Research has shown that human beings need an external source of omega-3 fatty acid to fulfil that deficiency or requirement. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that make them special like Diamonds. But you can not eat Diamonds. You won’t believe chia seeds have a higher composition of omega-3 fatty acids than salmon fish. It’s hard to believe, Right? And here we were dying to eat the smelly fish that we don’t even like.
To sum up, Chia seeds are a great source of protein, omega-3 fatty acid, good carbs, many micronutrients, fibre, calcium and other healthy components. There are plenty of qualities these tiny chia seeds possess.
You can take advantage of it without putting a hole in your pocket.
Chia seeds can be consumed directly. You can add them to another cuisine to make your recipe as well. They are tasty and full of nutrition, isn’t it cherry on top? Although, there has been less research on the advantages of eating chia seeds. But, whatever the scientists have found so far is already mentioned above, which doesn’t include them being harmful to your body in any way.
Don’t forget to check out other food articles here.